RO'VED uses custom firmware that enables RO'VED’s extended interface capabilities. Do NOT install firmware designed for stock Plaits as this firmware will not work properly on RO'VED. Instead check this page for firmware updates.
Latest firmware -
2023-10-09 - (v1.2F1) Bug fix with navigation
To access Firmware Update Mode, power your modular system on whilst holding the TIMBRE knob pressed and play the firmware WAV file into the MODE input (see extended explanation at the bottom of the page).
Firmware WAV Player
New features:
Based on Plaits 1.2 firmware
New Orange bank with 6 New modes
Web based editor to load custom data
New internal sample and hold for CV input
v1.2 Cheatsheet - Click to enlarge:
Firmware settings menu (access or exit by pressing FREQ & TIMBRE simultaneously)
2 New frequency lock modes (Shift by octaves, Shift by fifths)
Option to assign LEVEL CV input to control internal envelope Decay
Option to assign MODE CV input to control Aux crossfade or LPG/VCA
SUB Oscillator (Sinus or Square)
Alternative chords modes
v1.1 Cheatsheet - Click to enlarge:
Adjusting the firmware to the RO'VED interface
Frequency Lock toggle by pressing TIMBRE & MORPH
Enter to the calibration mode by pressing FREQ & HARM for about 4 seconds
How to update your RO'VED firmware:
Method 1 - WAV File Procedure
Preparation Steps:
1. Ensure Safety:
Disconnect all CV inputs/outputs from the RO'VED module.
Make certain your speakers/monitors are disconnected from your audio interface. This is crucial as the noises during this procedure can be harsh and potentially damaging to your ears.
2. Set Up the Module:
Link your audio interface or sound card's output directly to the MODE CV input on the RO'VED module.
Position the FREQUENCY knob at its 12 o’clock setting.
Boot up your modular system while holding down the TIMBRE knob.
3. Optimize Computer Settings:
Ensure that all potential interruptions, like email notifications or any other sounds from your computer, are muted or turned off for the duration of the update.
If you're using non-professional audio equipment, like a standard computer's line output, it might be necessary to max out the gain.
Update Procedure:
4. Begin the Update:
Play the designated firmware update WAV file into the module.
5. Monitor the Update:
As the module processes the data:
The first group of 4 LEDs functions as a signal strength indicator. An optimal signal level is shown by 2 or 3 LEDs being illuminated.
The next set of 4 LEDs display the proportion of the present data packet being received.
If necessary, tweak the FREQUENCY knob to fine-tune the gain.
6. Completion:
Upon playing the entire audio file, the module should automatically reboot. If this doesn't happen, you'll need to begin the procedure again from the start.
7. Troubleshooting:
If the signal strength is suboptimal, every LED will flash red. In this scenario:
Push any knob and attempt again with an increased gain.
Confirm that there's no software effect or equipment, like equalizers, auto gain controls, or FX processors, intervening in the signal pathway.
If issues persist, consider trying the update using a different computer or audio interface.
Method 2 - HEX File (For advanced users):
If you own a STLINK programmer you can use the HEX file to update your module firmware.
On the back of the module there is SWD interface that you can connect to your programmer.