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Get our popular utilities on a crazy sale of 3 modules for only $150



Mult is buffered multiplier in 1U format and can multiply one signal into six perfect copies or two signals into two sets of three copies.



MIX is Unity Mixer / Precision Adder / Average Mixer for CV or Audio in 1U format

With two sets of three inputs to one output you can combine any CV or Audio signal precisely.
both of the sets are normalized so you can use one set of 5 inputs to one output as well.

Unity / Average:
Jumpers on the back of the module will let you choose between two summing modes for each of the sets:
Unity Gain - Will summarize the inputs signals precisely, this mode is useful to combine CV for adding precise pitch control voltages (CVs) or combine any other signals without loosing gain.
Average Gain - Will summarize the inputs signals precisely with a gain of 1⁄3. It is useful for mixing audio signals without causing clipping.




RECT - Is a Rectifier / Combiner / Inverter module in 1U format.


RECT includes tow normalized sections:

Positive Section:

With 2 Rectifier outputs: Half Wave Rectifier which will clip the signal at 0v and a Full Wave Rectifier which will clip the signal at 0V and inverts the negative half of the signal.


Negative Section:

With 2 Rectifier outputs: Half Wave Rectifier which will clip the signal at 0v and a Full Wave Rectifier which will clip the signal at 0V, and inverts the positive half of the signal.


Combined output:

RECT can also combined two halves of different waves in to one new wave shape with the Combined output which will sum together the half waves of the tow sections.


Inverterd Combined output:

In the Inverted Combined output you will get a simple inverter when you patch only one signal to the Positive Input or Inverted copy of the Combined Output when you patch 2 different waves into the tow inputs.



The negative section of RECT is normalized to the positive input, this way the signal from the Positive Input can be break down to all his parts (positive: half and full, negative: half and full).

When using only the Positive Input the Inverted Combined output the inverted copy of the input signal (simple inverter).



The front panel of RECT has two LEDs that monitor the Combined Output and the Inverted Combined output.

With RECT you can create new LFO shapes or wave shapes (in audio rate), add overtones to audio signals or even transform CV melodies.




SWITCH is pair of Voltage Controlled Switches with selectable threshold in 1U format.

The switches are bi-directional - they can work in both directions, so can connect one input to either of two outputs, or either of two inputs to one output. 


Selectable Threshold:
Switching point of each of the switches is selectable by jumper on the back of the module:
+2.5v to support CV control by unipolar signals (e.g., gate signals or CV sequencers) or 0v to support CV control by bipolar signals (e.g., LFOs or Oscillators).



The switches handles very fast switching speeds and can work with control signals above audio rate (up to 30kHz!) therefore it can be used for a wide range of functions ranging from controlled mute, routing sound sources to or from different modules, choosing between different modulation sources / sequences or using it as a modulator at audio rate frequencies.




VASAT is a dual channel expandable Mixer / Attenuverter / Offset and precision voltage source with variable range.




  • VASAT can process two channels of audio or CV.
  • Polarity push buttons can configure knobs to work as attenuators or as attenuverters.
  • Unconnected inputs are normalized to an internal precision voltage source which can produce either a +2.5V, +5V, +7.5V or +10V.
  • VASAT outputs are limited to -/+ 10V to protect against clipping.
  • VASAT outputs are daisy-chained allowing channels to be mixed.
  • VASAT is expandable – Several units can be chained together to get a bigger mixer.


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