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RECT - Is a Rectifier / Combiner / Inverter module in 1U format.


RECT includes tow normalized sections:

Positive Section:

With 2 Rectifier outputs: Half Wave Rectifier which will clip the signal at 0v and a Full Wave Rectifier which will clip the signal at 0V and inverts the negative half of the signal.


Negative Section:

With 2 Rectifier outputs: Half Wave Rectifier which will clip the signal at 0v and a Full Wave Rectifier which will clip the signal at 0V, and inverts the positive half of the signal.


Combined output:

RECT can also combined two halves of different waves in to one new wave shape with the Combined output which will sum together the half waves of the tow sections.


Inverterd Combined output:

In the Inverted Combined output you will get a simple inverter when you patch only one signal to the Positive Input or Inverted copy of the Combined Output when you patch 2 different waves into the tow inputs.



The negative section of RECT is normalized to the positive input, this way the signal from the Positive Input can be break down to all his parts (positive: half and full, negative: half and full).

When using only the Positive Input the Inverted Combined output the inverted copy of the input signal (simple inverter).



The front panel of RECT has two LEDs that monitor the Combined Output and the Inverted Combined output.

With RECT you can create new LFO shapes or wave shapes (in audio rate), add overtones to audio signals or even transform CV melodies.


  • Size:
    Intellijel 1u format / 10HP
    20mm Deep

    Current Draw:
    +12v - 17mA, -12v - 17mA, +5v - 0mA

    Face Plate:
    Option 1: Brushed anodized aluminium with dark grey print
    Option 2: Brushed black anodized aluminium with white print

  • We assembling and calibrate each module by hand, lead time might take up to 3 weeks.

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