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OCP X - Ornament and Crime PLUS, Our new revision to OCP in only 10HP.
This is the best Ornament and Crime version out there, now even more powerful with a new 10HP design that puts comfort at the center with more interface elements that allow you to control the module easily and give a new level of playability:


  • OCP X has an inverted design, the sockets on the top and the controls on the bottom, connect it to the bottom row of the rack to get easy access to all the module controls.
  • OCP X has 4 manual trigger buttons to fire triggers or manually sync, they will light up in red and green to give an indication of the voltage at the outputs.
  • 4 Illuminated Attenuverters can scale and invert  CV signals or used as manual controls when nothing is connected to the CV inputs.
  • OCP X can run any firmware, truly any firmware - include VOR supported firmwares
    Various firmwares exist for this module, we can install any firmware you want, if it is not listed please send us a message with your order number and the firmware you want.
    We highly recommend Phazerville as it contains the best of all the other firmwares and has great VOR support.
  • you can change firmware and calibration any time, check out Firmwares page for more info.
  • A USB socket on the front panel allows convenient use of the OCP X as a MIDI to CV or CV to MIDI interface without any "mod" or back connection. (*with supported firmware).
  • OCP X offers a back trigger interface for easy connection with the 1uT_u or Gate rail of your bus board.


VOR - Variable Output Range:

VOR provide Extended headroom of 10vpp (instead 9vpp on original Ornament and Crime) and ability to change the output range to Unipolar 0v-10v, Bipolar +/-5v or Asymmetrical -3v to 7v (firmware controlled with dedicated button on panel).
this feature makes the module even more powerfull and recomended with the Official firmware (Hemisphere 1.8A also support VOR).
* The official firmware has an auto VOR feature that automatically changes the output range when an application is loaded (not available in Hemisphere Suite).


  • Size: 
    Standard 3u format
    25mm Deep (Include power header)

    Current Draw:
    +12v - 150mA (Rev 1 - Rev 1.1)
    +12v - 110mA (Rev 1.2)
    -12v - 40mA
    +5v - 0mA

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