Identifying Your Firmware Version:
Upon powering the module, the LED ring will display a brief "light show" sequence, helping you identify the installed firmware:
v1.0 - Colorful Sequence:
If the LED displays a sequence of light green, yellow, orange, red, white, light blue, purple, and magenta, your module is operating with firmware v1.0.
v1.1 - Green with 3 Central White LEDs:
If the LED sequence is predominantly green and the three central LEDs are white, you're using the GREENY firmware.

Latest firmware - V1.1
Important: If you are upgrading firmware from version 1.0 to version 1.1, the LED ring will not work properly until it is calibrated. Please see the manual for detailed instructions on how to do this. Note: There is no obligation to recalibrate the V/OCT in addition.
Greeny firmware - New features:
Click Lock option for Cutoff knob to prevent accidentally changing the filter mode
New LED Ring calibration procedure
How to update your ADVA firmware:
Note: We recognize that updating the firmware for ADVA demands some technical abilities. If you're not comfortable performing the update yourself, we offer a complimentary firmware upgrade service. Simply send us the module. For further details and arrangements, please contact us.
Programming ADVA Module Firmware
1. A Windows computer.
2. Arduino IDE - Ensure you have a recent version installed.
3. AVRDUDESS - Download and install this software.
4. A USB AVR programmer (e.g., 'USBasp') or an Arduino Uno.
5. Proper connection cables and 2X3 male pin headers for connecting the module AVR ISP port.
Preliminary Step: Download the desired firmware file from this page.
Once downloaded, unzip/extract the file to a known location on your computer.
Procedure with a USB Programmer:
1. Setup:
Unmount ADVA from your Eurorack case and disconnect the gray power cable.
Connect your USB programmer to the computer.
Connect the USB programmer to the ADVA module, ensuring all pins align correctly.
On the ADVA, the AVR ISP port is labeled "MAGIC". Pin #1 is marked with a line, while pin #6 (GND) is distinguished by a white square around it.
This port features a "wave" pattern, designed to securely hold pin headers without the need for soldering.
2. Launch AVRDUDESS: Start the AVRDUDESS software you installed earlier.
3. Select the COM Port: In the 'Port' field, select the appropriate COM port (e.g., 'COM3') that represents your USB programmer.
4. Set Programmer & MCU Type:
In the 'Programmer' field, select the type of your USB programmer (e.g., 'USBasp').
In the 'MCU' field, select 'ATtiny84'.
5. Upload Firmware:
Click on the ‘Flash’ field and navigate to your firmware file.
Click ‘Program’ to start the upload process.
6. Completion: Once the process finishes successfully, disconnect the USB programmer.
Procedure with Arduino Uno as ISP:

1. Setup Arduino Uno as ISP:
Connect your Arduino Uno to the computer.
Open Arduino IDE, go to File > Examples > 11.ArduinoISP > ArduinoISP and upload the sketch to the Arduino Uno.
2. Setup ADVA:
Unmount ADVA from your Eurorack case and disconnect the gray power cable.
To interface the USB programmer with the ADVA module, follow these steps:
Identify the AVR ISP Port: On the ADVA module, the AVR ISP port is distinctly labeled as "MAGIC".
Unique Port Design: The MAGIC port is designed with a distinct "wave" pattern. This innovative design ensures a firm grip on pin headers, eliminating the need for soldering.
Connections with Arduino (See picture below):
Connect Pin #10 on the Arduino to the RESET pin on ADVA.
Connect Pin #11 on the Arduino to the MOSI pin on ADVA.
Connect Pin #12 on the Arduino to the MISO pin on ADVA.
Connect Pin #13 on the Arduino to the SCK pin on ADVA.
Connect the 5V supply from the Arduino to the 5V pin on ADVA.
Finally, connect the GND on the Arduino to the GND pin on ADVA.
Ensure all pins are correctly aligned when establishing these connections to guarantee proper functionality.
Connect the Arduino UNO to the computer.

3. Launch AVRDUDESS: Start the AVRDUDESS software you installed earlier.
4. Set Programmer & MCU Type:
In the 'MCU' field, select 'ATtiny84'.
In the 'Presets' field select 'Arduino as ISP'
In the 'Programmer' field, select 'Arduino'.
5. Select the COM Port: In the 'Port' field, select the appropriate COM port (e.g., 'COM3') that represents your Arduino Uno.
6. Upload Firmware:
Click on the ‘Flash’ field and navigate to ADVA firmware file.
Click 'Program' to start the upload process.
7. Completion: Once the process finishes successfully, disconnect the Arduino Uno from the ADVA module.
After completing the appropriate procedure, your ADVA module should be updated with the new firmware.